Design, Studies and Research in the water, waste
and environmental protection sector
  • Hydraulic risk control and soil protection
  • Modeling and management of environmental data
  • Planning of water and environmental services
  • Design of river management works
  • Design of aqueducts, sewers and treatment plants
  • Industrial plans in the public utility services market
  • Authorization procedures

Hydrogeological risk planning and control

The Italian territory is characterized by a very high level of danger due to landslides and floods which put families, buildings, businesses and cultural heritage at risk. Climate change has greatly exacerbated the problem making it one of the main national emergencies.

We have been working in this sector for over 30 years through the development and application of innovative techniques for the analysis and prevention of these phenomena.

Sede Legale:
Via Don Mazzolari, 25
56025 Pontedera (PI)

+39 0587 481300

Sedi Operative:
Via Livorno 8/37
50142 Firenze (FI)
+39 055 7251127

Via Adriano Olivetti 24/26
Tecnopolo Tiburtino 00131 Roma
+39 06 2242 0490

WEST SYSTEMS srl © 2024. Tutti i diritti riservati.

P.IVA 01071300501 – Codice Destinatario M5UXCR1 -Registro Imprese n° 01071300501 – Capitale Sociale € 494.855,76 i.v

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